Play-Well TEKnologies

About Play-Well TEKnologies

Kids are natural engineers, we help them realize it. Kids dive into our classes and exercise their innate gift for building. They come away understanding fundamental principles of engineering and physics. The experience boosts their confidence, creativity and ability to collaborate. Kids can't get enough.

Play-Well TEKnologies was founded by Tim Bowen in 1997. Introduced to the LEGO® building system in 1996 and recognizing it to be both a popular play medium and a tremendous learning medium, Tim began to develop projects which drew on his professional experience and combined the elements of fun, challenge, and learning. He began operating a summer camp program in 1997, followed by after school enrichment classes in 1998. With steady growth of the company, project development is now undertaken by a staff of instructors bent on constantly improving the programs.

Mission Statement

At Play-Well TEKnologies we strive to:

- Build problem-solving skills
- Provide an opportunity for creative expression
- Foster a greater appreciation of how things work
- Encourage the qualities of inquisitiveness, self reliance, and self confidence in children

We do this in the context of fun-filled engineering and architectural projects, activities that both the children and the instructors enjoy!



May 2015 Fairfax, VA
“Extremely flexible hours, great pay, great coworkers and management. I get to pursue my passion of teaching using LEGO building materials!”

Summer Camp Teacher

May 2018 - August 2018 St. Louis, MO
“I really enjoyed working with young kids and teaching them about engineering concepts to help them find their passion for a field that is only going to be more important in the future. ”
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